A recently discovered structure in Honduras is proving to be something unlike any found before it, baffling archaeologists. Discovered in the densely covered La Mosquitia region, the ancient geometric structure has a shape and size that is impossible to ignore.
The size of this structure is hard to miss—with its circular outer walls reaching 20 meters in width and 7 meters in height. With steep walls and well-cut stone blocks, archaeologists are still in awe of what they’ve found.
Not only is this structure big—it is also unlike any other found in the archaeological record. While it has some characteristics that align with traditional Mayan and Aztec structures, there are certain features that are completely unlike those from Central Mexico and point to something else. For one, the structure is not free-standing—instead, it is built against the side of a natural hill. This is something that has never been seen before and could mean that this particular structure may have been more symbolic in nature.
But one of the most impressive characteristics of this structure is its lack of parallels. Despite its size and impressive features, no structures like it have been recorded before and this particular one has—in essence—no equal in the archaeological record.
Though exact usage has yet to be determined there is no doubt that this structure is something extraordinary. Scientists believe that further excavation of the area could yield more insight into its role and meaning. Until then, this structure will remain a true anomaly in the archaeological record.