On Tuesday, Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden and Republican candidate Donald Trump faced off over the important working class voting bloc in Michigan.
As the economy in Michigan continues to struggle due to the pandemic, the stakes for working class families have never been higher when it comes to voting for the next President of the United States. With Biden’s background and extensive knowledge of the economy, as well as his plans to raise the corporate tax rate, fund public jobs programs, and increase the minimum wage, the Democratic candidate is appealing to Michigan’s working class voters.
On the other hand, Donald Trump is emphasizing his own plans to boost the economy and defend American jobs. The President has spoken out against the Paris Climate Accord, touting it as an automatic job killer, in addition to supporting tax cuts and deregulation.
Overall, both candidates are looking to convince Michigan’s working class voters that their plans would best serve their interests. That this could be seen as a battle for Michigan’s working class voters is understandable; the state has been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to face job losses and economic insecurity.
From Biden’s appeal to those looking for a tax raised on the wealthy to help fund public jobs programs, to the President’s promise to protect American jobs by rejecting certain initiatives, the candidates have different visions that address different issues. The outcome of the election will in large part be determined by those working class voters in Michigan, which makes the 2020 election one of the most important yet.