The holidays are a hectic time for travelers, so it’s important to plan ahead. With the surge in holiday travel, travelers should expect to see an increase in prices on airfare, packed hotels, and more Boomers taking to the skies.
The holidays are always the most expensive time to travel, with airfare typically going up significantly from November to December. However, this year many airlines have stuck the same prices from October and even discounted some flights—a great deal for holiday travelers. The airlines including American Airlines, Delta, United, and Southwest are offering discounts on domestic and international flights. The same goes for hotel accommodations, though it might be more difficult to find a cheap room as more and more hotels get booked up.
Another trend travelers can expect to see are more Boomers taking to the skies, as retirees are more financially secure and able to take more trips. According to the U.S. Travel Association, over half of U.S. travelers over the age of 65 have taken a leisure trip in the last year. And since Boomers want a higher quality experience, many carriers are offering more premier services to cater to this demographic.
Though prices are still high and hotels are getting packed, there are some deals to be had during the holidays. Travelers just need to plan ahead and take advantage of discounted airfare and hotels, as well as the perk of having more Boomers joining in on the adventure.