As Donald Trump’s time in office comes to a close, many people around the world have been left wondering what will happen after his final battle. How will his legacy be remembered? What will follow him into the next administration?
The Trump presidency is certainly one that will not soon be forgotten. During his time in office, Trump was highly controversial, taking strong positions on numerous issues such as immigration, trade, and foreign policy. While his supporters have praised him for taking a stand on these issues, his opponents have criticized many of his decisions.
Regardless of where one stands on the issues, President Trump has certainly had an impact on the country and the world. From the time of the 2016 election until now, Trump has been involved in some of the most tumultuous political moments in recent history. From the infamous Helsinki meeting where he appeared to side with Russia rather than his own intelligence community to his multiple disputes with allies like Canada and Mexico, Trump’s actions have caused deep divides among people both at home and abroad.
It remains to be seen what Trump’s legacy will be after he leaves the White House. However, it is safe to say that he will be remembered as a president who was both controversial and influential. As the political climate continues to evolve in the wake of Trump, it is likely that his impact will be felt long after he has left office.
It is certain that the upcoming election will be a hotly contested one. Whoever wins will have to grapple with the issues left unresolved by Trump and the divisions he caused, find a way to unite the country, and begin to put the United States back on the path to progress and prosperity. In that way, Trump’s final battle and the events that followed will be remembered as a pivotal moment in the history of the nation.