1. United States
The United States tops the chart as the leading oil-producing country in the world in 2024. With an enhancement in technology, innovation, and access to resources, the US has managed to boost its oil production dramatically over the years. The state of Texas remains the largest producer, followed by North Dakota. In general, the US heavily utilizes its advanced drilling methods leading to increasing numbers of oil barrels per day.
2. Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia, home to the giant Aramco, takes the second spot as one of the leading oil-producing countries globally. This Middle Eastern monarchy has one of the largest reserves of oil which can last for decades. The country’s vast sandy deserts are dotted with numerous oil wells that continually pump out oil, contributing to a substantial share of its robust economy.
3. Russia
The Russian Federation is another major player in global oil production. With a diverse range of resources spread across vast territories, Russia continuously explores and refines significant quantities of oil. West Siberia is the primary oil-producing region, accounting for a substantial portion of Russia’s total output.
4. Iraq
Iraq takes the fourth position in oil production. The country has a multitude of oil fields, with the Rumaila field being one of the largest. The state-owned Oil Marketing Company overseas the country’s oil production and exports, significantly contributing to the national economy.
5. Canada
Canada also falls in the top global rank with its oil-rich sands. The Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin is the largest producer of oil in Canada. Innovations in extraction technology have helped Canada take advantage of its tar sands, which once were too costly to be processed.
6. Iran
Despite the sanctions imposed, Iran maintains its position as one of the top global oil producers. The country’s rich oil reserves are largely located in giant onshore fields in the southwestern Khuzestan region, along the Iraqi border.
7. United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates (UAE), notably renowned for its oil-derived wealth, holds the seventh position. The UAE has a substantial part of its income resulting from its oil fields. The country’s largest oil field, the Zakum field, produces over half of the UAE’s petroleum.
8. Brazil
Brazil secures the eighth spot as an important player in the oil production realm. Majority of its oil production comes from off-shore oil fields in deep waters. The giant pre-salt fields are a significant contributor to the country’s oil