The 2016 US presidential campaign was an extremely charged and tumultuous period filled with controversial happenings. One of the most notable incidents was an apparent assassination attempt on then-candidate Donald Trump. This article will examine how the top VP candidates reacted to this incident.
Firstly, the current vice president at that time, Mike Pence, displayed an unwavering support for Trump. He immediately endorsed the Secret Service’s swift response to the threat and praised their professionalism. His immediate concern was for Trump’s safety, brushing aside all political differences. In a series of tweets, Pence conveyed his support for Trump and commended the quick actions of the security team, highlighting their dedication to the protection of all presidential candidates. He reaffirmed the importance of the democratic process and condemned any form of violence or threat against it.
Another finalist, then Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, also lent his voice to the condemnations. Known for his steadfast allegiance to Trump, he echoed Pence’s sentiments about the importance of safety in the electoral process. Christie expressed his shock and disbelief over the incident, further calling it an attack on the democratic values the nation holds dear.
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, another contender for the VP slot, also responded to the seemingly dangerous episode. Gingrich, always one to talk tough, pointed the blame on the hyper-aggressive rhetoric he felt had become far too common in politics. He alluded to the need for a more civil political discourse, devoid of violence or any threats thereof. He also praised Trump’s resolve and courage for continuing his campaign activities despite such risks.
From the political outsider perspective, Armstrong Williams, a close confidant of Ben Carson (another VP finalist), thrust himself into the conversation. Williams echoed the collective shock expressed by his fellow VP finalists but took a more introspective approach. He called upon fellow Americans to reflect on the incident as a stark reminder that the country’s political conversations had taken a violent turn – an anomaly that needed urgent rectification.
The ever-vocal Senator Jeff Sessions, another VP contender, took a slightly different path. Whilst he roundly condemned the assassination attempt, he also used the incident to criticize what he perceived as biased news coverage. He argued that the liberal media was fanning the flames of divisiveness and hatred, which resulted in such threats.
The reactions of these VP finalists painted a vivid picture of their individual character traits and political positions. They conveyed a unanimous agreement on the unacceptability of violence in politics