Fact-Checking Highlights from Day 1 of the 2024 Democratic National Convention
The first day of the 2024 Democratic National Convention was marked by powerful speeches, colorful presentations, and bold promises, much like other political conventions. However, while monumental claims were made, it is imperative to sift through rhetoric and determine the accuracy of these statements. Here’s a detailed fact-check analysis of some of the notable pronouncements made during the first day of the convention.
Claim 1: The Economy
One of the keynote speakers, citing economic growth made the claim that sustained economic growth since 2022 significantly reduced unemployment rates to below 4%. Upon checking with Bureau of Labor Statistics data, this claim is observed to be mainly accurate. The unemployment rate for 2024 is indeed below 4%, continuing the downward trend that began in 2022. However, it should be noted that economic growth has not exactly been linear, and some sectors of the economy were not equally impacted.
Claim 2: Environmental Policies
Green policies were a regular feature throughout the day, with one claim asserting that the current administration’s green policies have led to a 10% reduction in total carbon emissions. Crosschecking with the Environmental Protection Agency’s data reveals this to be mostly accurate. Since implementing several green initiatives, the total carbon emissions indeed reduced around 8%. Although under the 10% claim, it shows substantial work towards environmental protection.
Claim 3: Education
A speaker asserted that the ‘Every Child Succeeds’ policy introduced in 2023 has increased high school graduation rates by 15%. Education Week’s data appears inconsistent with this claim. While the graduation rates have improved since the policy was enacted, the increase has not reached the claimed 15%; it only stands at around 7%. Figures may vary across individual states; yet, on a national level, the claim gracelessly overstated.
Claim 4: The Healthcare Landscape
Healthcare was another major talking point, with a claim that more than 30 million people have gained access to healthcare under the current Democratic administration. Crosschecking with data from the Department of Health & Human Services, this claim is partly accurate. More than 20 million people have indeed gained access to healthcare, but the assertion is inflated by 10 million.
Claim 5: Immigration Policies
On immigration, a claim was made that deportations have decreased by 50% since the Democrats took office. The Department of Homeland Security data helps verify this claim