Throughout President Trump’s tenure, he has courted and at times even enjoyed the support of certain union members, belying the common perception that he is a rampant anti-union crusader. However, his repeated actions and policy decisions have often placed him at odds with these same unions, complicating any potential electoral advantages and muddying his relationship with union members.
Firstly, it is important to stress that Trump’s appeal to union members is not entirely unfounded. Throughout his 2016 campaign, he promised to protect American jobs and revive the country’s manufacturing sector, a message that resonated strongly with blue-collar workers in states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. This appeal crossed party lines, drawing support from traditionally Democratic-voting union members. Additionally, Trump’s tough stance on immigration and trade deals like NAFTA also hit a chord with some union members, securing his electoral success in key swing states.
However, over the course of his presidency, Trump has found himself in conflict with these same unions. His repeal of regulations that benefited the workers, efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act without a clear replacement plan, and moves to reduce the power of organized labor have all been met with vocal opposition from union leadership and rank-and-file members alike.
One of the most illustrative cases of these clashes was the government shutdown of 2018-2019, where thousands of federal workers – many of them unionized – were either furloughed or forced to work without pay. This greatly affected Trump’s popularity among these workers, as many of them saw this as a blatant disregard of their rights and needs.
Another example of these complications is Trump’s stance on right-to-work laws, which free union non-members from paying dues for services that the union provides. While Trump has voiced support for such laws, arguing they could attract businesses and jobs, many trade unions vehemently oppose them, viewing them as undermining union power and reducing worker wages and benefits.
Even with Trump’s large-scale infrastructure plans, which could potentially create numerous jobs, his relationships with unions are tenuous. His administration’s proposed funding format and the potential for an increased reliance on non-union labor have drawn criticism from labor unions.
As a result of these ongoing conflicts, some unions that supported Trump in 2016 have since openly criticized him, prompting calls for their members to reconsider their support in future elections. For instance, the United Steelworkers Union, which represents workers in industries that Trump claimed to have