The UK’s recent move to delay climate change target goals is coming under fire from environmental advocates in the country. The move has come to light as part of the UK’s budget plans announced by Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak. Sunak’s plans, which will be put into effect in the coming year, involve postponing the UK’s goal of an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050, by ten years.
The government has also come under fire for seemingly enacting “anti-green” initiatives which oppose the country’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions. Proposals include decreasing the amount of subsidies to renewable energy sources, and preventing the upping of the 2030 Climate Change Reduction target. These policies will surely lead to a substantial decrease in the amount of effort and money put towards mitigating climate change.
The UK, which is a part of the Paris Agreement, is now facing heavy criticism for its lack of commitment to fighting climate change. Climate action groups across the country are outraged by the announcement, and oppose the budget plans. Additionally, the UK is now contradicting its prior claims of wanting to be a shine in the global fight against the climate crisis.
It’s unclear how the UK’s change of plans will impact their own environment, as well as the environment of the planet. However, what’s certain is that the UK’s stalling on their climate targets goes against the public opinion and demands of the country’s citizens. This plan will surely result in a great deal of environmental damage to both the country and the rest of the world.